Help with my own DataProvider

Last post 09-19-2005, 3:59 PM by fabrizzio. 2 replies.
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  •  09-19-2005, 10:53 AM 10736

    Help with my own DataProvider

    I've succesfully integrated the old version of Cute Chat with my portal, with the help of the html file that come with it.

    Now my client want to change to webmessenger, so Im trying to develop with it.
    But I cannot find the tutorial to create my own DataAdapter to webmessenger, just the ones with DNN and IBuySpy.

    The IBuySoy Dataprovider is different from the old version of cute chat, so Im having a little trouble trying to develop my portal like it.

    Do you have a Tutorial for a custom portal, like you had in the old cute chat? May I use the same providers I've used before?

  •  09-19-2005, 11:34 AM 10740 in reply to 10736

    Re: Help with my own DataProvider

    Have you checked the article in the download package?
    How can I integrate CuteChat with my existing login system?

    To help you quickly use the CuteChat in your ASP.NET applications, CuteSoft team has finished the providers for Cute Chat standalone, DotNetNuke 2.X, DotNetNuke 3.X, IbuySpy and Community Starter Kit. 

    Integrating with existing user login system


    If your portal is not based on the above projects. You need to create a custom Provider to integrate CuteChat with existing user login system. To implement a custom CuteChat Provider, you will need to provide a concrete implementation of the CuteSoft.Chat.DataProvider class, CuteSoft.Chat.UserAdapter class and CuteSoft.Chat.ConnectionStringProvider class (optional) , and plug it into the system.
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  •  09-19-2005, 3:59 PM 10756 in reply to 10740

    Re: Help with my own DataProvider

    Adam, I've developed the solution but Im facing login problems. How can I automaticaly login my users to the web messenger? I do not need to use the chat anymore.

    I've included the Provider Model into my portal but, when I create the messenger pop it asks for authentication. (My mode is window, not forms)

    Help me with this one?

    Also, after that I want my messenger to be inside an IFRAME. Any tips?

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