CssClass display

Last post 10-03-2005, 4:08 AM by stormen. 2 replies.
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  •  09-30-2005, 5:28 AM 11228

    CssClass display


    I have a problem with the css classes in the editor.
    When I use the editor and try to apply a class to some text I can't see the change in the textarea except if I switch to HTML view.

    Please help me because I ha NO idea what I'm doing wrong.
    The page where I've put the editor is linked to the Css-document from where I try to use the classes.

  •  09-30-2005, 12:40 PM 11240 in reply to 11228

    Re: CssClass display


    If you want to visually see the changes after you apply the css class, you must apply the same style sheet the page uses to the editor.

    For example:

    if the page uses three style sheets, you can apply them to the editor using the EditorWysiwygModeCss property.

    <CE:Editor id="Editor1" EditorWysiwygModeCss="../first.css, second.css, /third.css" runat="server" ></CE:Editor>

    >>The page where I've put the editor is linked to the Css-document from where I try to use the classes.

    If you've already done that, please double check and  make sure the style sheet path is correct.

    If you still have problems, it would be really helpful if you could send us a sample aspx page which demonstrates the exact problem with more information.

    Keep me posted.

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  •  10-03-2005, 4:08 AM 11291 in reply to 11240

    Re: CssClass display

    Thank you for your answer
    It's working fine now! :)
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