Image Upload

Last post 07-09-2004, 10:49 PM by jdc. 2 replies.
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  •  07-06-2004, 12:30 AM 1170

    Image Upload

    Is there a way to allow a user to upload an image into the editor without enabling them to see every item in the image gallery?  In other words, is there a way they can just be prompted to browse for an item on their local drive for a file and then have that loaded into the editor without going into the image gallery first?

    A related question is whether there is a way to restrict which uploaded images appear in the gallery of selectable images?
    I would like to use the gallery at times but do not always want it to act as an intermediate step in the image upload process.  Thanks.
  •  07-06-2004, 12:29 PM 1182 in reply to 1170

    Re: Image Upload


    This makes good sense. After the user browse for an image on their local drive then click the upload button,  the image will be insert into the editor without sending he/she back to the galley.
    We will add this feature in the future release. Chat
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  •  07-09-2004, 10:49 PM 1213 in reply to 1182

    Re: Image Upload

    Thanks for the response.  I believe it is an important feature to have a separate image upload button without the image being put in the image gallery (ever) and being inserted directly into the editor.  When do you think such a feature might be made available?  Thanks.
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