Upgraded to 5.2: Getting System.Security.SecurityException

Last post 02-09-2006, 5:36 PM by Adam. 4 replies.
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  •  02-09-2006, 9:12 AM 15764

    Upgraded to 5.2: Getting System.Security.SecurityException

    I've been having a lot of issues uploading images, so I thought I would try v5.2.  Now the editor won't render:
    System.Security.SecurityException: Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.
    I am running in a medium trust hosted environment (godaddy) which hasn't been a problem since I used v5.1.
    Any ideas?
  •  02-09-2006, 9:21 AM 15765 in reply to 15764

    Re: Upgraded to 5.2: Getting System.Security.SecurityException

    OK, the cuteeditor.lic file was missing.  So that solved the rendering problem. 
    Now I am back to my original problem: can't upload images.
    Same error as above after I hit send in the insert image window!!!!
    Help please!
  •  02-09-2006, 9:50 AM 15767 in reply to 15765

    Re: Upgraded to 5.2: Getting System.Security.SecurityException

    More info...  I can upload files to the uploads folder no problem with other aspx code.  So the folder permissions are ok.
  •  02-09-2006, 11:19 AM 15775 in reply to 15767

    Re: Upgraded to 5.2: Getting System.Security.SecurityException

    The only work around for this so far was to comment out the insert image by browsing option.  The other insert image menu option works:

    <!--<item type="image" name="ImageGalleryByBrowsing" imagename="image" />-->

    <item type="image" name="InsertImage" imagename="eximage" />

  •  02-09-2006, 5:36 PM 15796 in reply to 15775

    Please download the latest build (02/09/2006).

    Please download the latest build (02/09/2006).
    Keep me posted.

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