upload paths and hrefs....Please help

Last post 02-09-2006, 5:35 PM by gotts. 2 replies.
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  •  02-09-2006, 3:37 PM 15783

    upload paths and hrefs....Please help

    Ok heres the problem.
    I am developing a cms thats running off one server. eg http://cms.com/cms/  (path - c:\inetpub\cms\)
    In there are pages which contain the ce control. I need to be able to upload images to a different server eg http://site.com (path - c:\inetpub\site\).
    So I know I can set the upload path which will place the images in the correct directory. But the problem is creates the link using that upload path (the href). How can I specify a different upload path to the link path.
  •  02-09-2006, 5:28 PM 15794 in reply to 15783

    Re: upload paths and hrefs....Please help

    It looks like you need to use the Editor.BaseHref Property (Sets or retrieves the baseline URL on which relative links will be based). 

    >> But the problem is creates the link using that upload path (the href). How can I specify a different upload path to the link path.

    Can you explain this in details?
    Keep me posted

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  •  02-09-2006, 5:35 PM 15795 in reply to 15794

    Re: upload paths and hrefs....Please help

    ok, so lets say I need to upload images to the following dir - c:\inetpub\gol\web\img\photos\. So I can set that to the ImageFileGallery path and the images upload fine.
    However the href of the image will be href="\gol\web\img\photos\" which is a problem since the server from which the images will be viewed has a root directory of  c:\inetpub\gol\web . Therefore I need the href to look as follows href="\img\photos\fil.jpg"
    Is that clear?
    Basically I need to be able to upload with a full absolute path but be able to reference only part of that path in the href?
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