Alright, maybe you guys know this one better, why creating a template won't show up?

Last post 02-17-2006, 6:01 PM by obiwantcp. 3 replies.
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  •  02-16-2006, 9:49 PM 16041

    Alright, maybe you guys know this one better, why creating a template won't show up?

    [Problem] After setting up the directories for uploads (for all t ypes), Templates is working half-way for me: Allow yours truly to elaborate:

    [What works] The Create a Template feature works to the extent the file was created (~/uploads/templates/) as directed by the config flies.

    [What doesn't] However, the Templates Dialog box had difficulty picking up the newly created files even after the user (er, me) clicking refresh several times.

    [Somewhat related] What's weird is I have no problem doing this with image uploads.

    The only thing special about my set-up? I am using:

    Is that what did it? Not sure. Thank you for any help you can render! :-)

    Best regards,
    -- David
  •  02-17-2006, 5:13 AM 16055 in reply to 16041

    Re: Alright, maybe you guys know this one better, why creating a template won't show up?

    Try create a new template and name it to "SOME_PREFIX_001.htm"
    When you set a Security File Name Prefix, you also set a file filter.
    Only files whose name starte "SOME_PREFIX_" are visible to the current user.
    Keep me posted.
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  •  02-17-2006, 11:38 AM 16077 in reply to 16055

    Re: Alright, maybe you guys know this one better, why creating a template won't show up?

    Hi Adam,
    Had a quick look at the scenarios and here's what we have:
    * When you have the Template dialog box up, and you pick a htm from the file system, it is uploaded correctly (meaning it is prepended with the security prefix (SOME_PREFIX_) and it shows up in the file picker.
    * Things are a little more erratic on the Template Creation feature side. If you use the Create Template button in the said Template pop-up box, you will be offered a pop-up to take your file name. If you were to type in a regular file name. (blah.htm or blah) it will create blah.htm, but it will not show up in the dialog box. (So the problem, we are guessing is: the component is not renaming it but still applying the security view to the file picker, causing "files to disappear").
    * If you were to explicitly prepend by hand (SOME_PREFIX_) the security prefix to the file name during template creation, it's all good. It shows up as is.
    * Again, as pointed out before, Images are working fine. [Note: we haven't tested for this SetSecurityFileNamePrefix() bug with other upload types such as Files/Documents, Flash, and so on.]
    Please let us know if there's something you can do to mend the SetSecurityFileNamePrefix() bug, thank you! :-)
    All the best,
    -- David
  •  02-17-2006, 6:01 PM 16104 in reply to 16077

    Re: Alright, maybe you guys know this one better, why creating a template won't show up?

    After creating subdirectories for per-user galleries and pointing CE to them, we are able to restrict the file picker to just those folders, and now templates works by not using the Security Prefix.
    One of the things we've noticed is that The file picker can be a bit sensitive. It won't list templates with an embedded space in the file name. To make this component friendlier to users wishing to compose emails (and email templates), it will have to be more friendly, or users will have to be explicitly trained not to use spaces in the template file name.
    We are happy with it so far, and hope to get all of the requirements fully fleshed out. At the moment we are going to investigate custom buttons and menus to see whether it will give us the customization we need to allow users to pick read-only public templates.
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