setting maximum amount of KBytes for Upload

Last post 08-27-2004, 4:27 AM by orah666. 6 replies.
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  •  08-23-2004, 1:21 PM 1595

    setting maximum amount of KBytes for Upload

    When creating pages, I regularly upload new images. Is there a way I can set a maximum amount of space that someone can upload to a specific directory?
  •  08-25-2004, 9:37 AM 1605 in reply to 1595

    Re: setting maximum amount of KBytes for Upload


    You can set a maximum size for the image you want to upload. But you can't set the maximum size of the target directory. Chat
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  •  08-25-2004, 1:19 PM 1608 in reply to 1605

    Re: setting maximum amount of KBytes for Upload

    The size of the target directory is what I'm after. This would allow me to control the amount of systemspace my clients are allowed to use. Will this be implemented in the future release?

    Maybe a way around it.. is it possible to disable the upload button in the Edit/Insert Image programatically?
  •  08-25-2004, 1:32 PM 1609 in reply to 1608

    Re: setting maximum amount of KBytes for Upload


    That makes good sense.
    There should be some properties like, MaxImageGalleryPathSize, MaxFlashGalleryPathSize... to help the developers control the size of target directory.
    I'v added your point into our future feature list.
    Yes, it's possible to disable the upload button. Please check the Editor.AllowUpload Property which specifies whether the user accessing the page has permissions to upload images.
    You can do something as following:
    When the users is logged in, you can get her/his access role. If he/she is admin, we can set bool isAdmin to true.
    if (isAdmin)


        editor1.AllowUpload =true;



        editor1.AllowUpload =false;


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  •  08-25-2004, 2:08 PM 1610 in reply to 1609

    Re: setting maximum amount of KBytes for Upload

    MaxImageGalleryPathSize, MaxFlashGalleryPathSize etc would be great to see implemented!

    I tried the AllowUpload based on a retrieval of directory size.. One problem though.. when someone has overridden its maximum webspace and you set the AllowUpload to False, it also means that people cannot delete files anymore in order to create new space :)
    little problem here :)
  •  08-26-2004, 5:16 AM 1616 in reply to 1610

    Re: setting maximum amount of KBytes for Upload

    I'd like to have functionallity to add, delete and rename folders! And the MaxImageGalleryPathSize property should count all sub-dirs.

    How about a property MaxAllPathSize, that allows us to restrict the total size for all upolads (images, documents, flash and media) using one parameter? 
  •  08-27-2004, 4:27 AM 1629 in reply to 1616

    Re: setting maximum amount of KBytes for Upload

    i would not like to see maxallpath size.. if we would have maxflashpathsize etc... it would keep you in control more.. and since you only have 4 or 5 different filetypes.. no problem here.
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