Active and inactive rooms

Last post 09-03-2004, 1:45 PM by designserve. 3 replies.
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  •  09-03-2004, 1:18 PM 1711

    Active and inactive rooms

    Well I am going live with chat on my site today after only a few hours setup and tweaking, very pleased so far!

    I would like to have a list of rooms but I would like to be able to make some of them inactive.  Also, I only want chats to be going on when there is a superviser.  Can I do this?  What I want to do is still keep the rooms so that I don't have to keep re-creating them but not allow visitors to log in when there is no supervision.  The settings or "flags" in the Manage area don't seem to make any difference.
  •  09-03-2004, 1:28 PM 1712 in reply to 1711

    Re: Active and inactive rooms

    designserve is online. Last active: 9/3/2004 9:18:38 PM designserve :

    You could set the room to not 'public'
    When a room is not public , that does not mean the room not to be listed .
    A not public room means a moderated room . Any other user get in the room should be moderated by the room admin first .
    For example , you set the room 'A' not public , and you get in the room .
    When another user try to get in that room , you will get a message :
    " UserX is trying to get in this room , [Accept] or [Reject] "
    You could decide it .
    And , if there is not any room admin in that room ,
    The UserX would get a error message automatically :
    "No room moderator here!"
    Please have a try on it .
    Regards , Terry .
  •  09-03-2004, 1:30 PM 1713 in reply to 1712

    Re: Active and inactive rooms

    By the way , the room have a reserved flag 'Active' , what extracly you want .

    But we haven't implemented that yet .
    We would finish it in next release .
  •  09-03-2004, 1:45 PM 1714 in reply to 1713

    Re: Active and inactive rooms

    Excellent!!  I love the program.  Simple for users and admin. 

    One thing I would wish for is an "admin" button if the Admin is logged in - instead of typing /admin.
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