Licensing for Load Balancing

Last post 04-27-2006, 12:16 PM by Karen. 4 replies.
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  •  04-27-2006, 6:24 AM 18522

    Licensing for Load Balancing

    Hello, I work for a software development company that is writing a web application for the Education Department. The application runs on one domain, but is load balanced across multiple web servers. Also, we have the live environment, the QA environment and the Staging Environment all of which have load-balanced web servers.
    Which license would I require for this? Really there is just one application which is run on our live environment. The QA environment is just for testing and that staging environment for development. However we have mutliple web servers in each environment too.
    Thanks for your help
  •  04-27-2006, 12:02 PM 18551 in reply to 18545

    Re: Licensing for Load Balancing

    it is an intranet application, so you will not be able to see the domain. However, are you saying that a domain license ties you to just a domain name, regardless of how many servers it runs on, and we can run it on as many load balanced web servers as we like?
    We have a different domain for our test environment, and a another domain for our staging environment, so basically we could buy 3 domain licenses and it would cover everything?
    Thanks for your quick response..
  •  04-27-2006, 12:10 PM 18552 in reply to 18545

    Re: Licensing for Load Balancing

    Just found this on your licensing info...
    Domain License:

    A domain license allows use of the Software for all users at a single site hosted on a single web server. 
    We have ONE application with ONE domain running on multiple web servers being managed by a load balancer. So when you go to a url in the application, the load balancer sends to you to the least busy of the web servers. Which license would I need to unstall CuteEditor on each web server? 
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