Problem with inserting templates

Last post 05-31-2006, 3:07 PM by Micah. 5 replies.
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  •  05-31-2006, 2:02 PM 19681

    Problem with inserting templates

    i have recently purchased v5 for ASP.
    i am trying to get the templates up and running. when i click on the insert templates button i get an error.
    [pre cursor]
    when i first started the quest of getting the editor up and running. i clicked on the insert templates button and recieved an error about modifying the headers after they have been written. i corrcted this by moving the Response.Expires = -1 to the begining of the insert_template.asp file. this takes me to what is now the problem.
    [current issue]
    now when i p[ress the insert template button, the page opens and on the left hand side iFrame it attempts to load the browse_Templates.asp file. this is where the error lies. instead of the file loading there i get the following error message:
    i have been on chat with Karen for quite a while and she directed me here. This is an urgent need, so i appreciate your prompt response.
  •  05-31-2006, 2:14 PM 19685 in reply to 19681

    Re: Problem with inserting templates

    Please check your security configuration file:
    <security name="TemplateGalleryPath">/templates</security>
    Does the TemplateGalleryPath exist in your server?
    If yes, make sure IUSR account on the machine  has write permission to the above folder.
    BTW, do you have problems with the image gallery dialog?
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  •  05-31-2006, 2:21 PM 19689 in reply to 19685

    Re: Problem with inserting templates

    yes there is a problem with the immage gallery. I susspect it is the same issue that was at first happening with the template. the Response.Expires = -1 happening after header being written. use the link i posted on the first post and you can see for yourself.
    i will check the config file and respond after i do...
  •  05-31-2006, 2:27 PM 19691 in reply to 19685

    Re: Problem with inserting templates

    the path does exist and the IUSR_machine does have full control to that dir. i have added the path settings to the security config files and it still does not work.
  •  05-31-2006, 2:35 PM 19693 in reply to 19691

    Re: Problem with inserting templates

    i was wrong, after clearing the browser cashe, my insert templates is now working.
    the images however are still the same... do you know how to correct the image issue?
  •  05-31-2006, 3:07 PM 19698 in reply to 19693

    Re: Problem with inserting templates

    NM i got it all figured out. thanks for your hep Adam.
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