Firefox and radio buttons & check boxes

Last post 06-26-2006, 11:28 AM by PeterPiotti. 2 replies.
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  •  06-25-2006, 4:55 PM 20459

    Firefox and radio buttons & check boxes

    The pop up window for control properties does not open when using firefox and clicking the radio buttin or check box buttons.  Tried it with doctypes html4.0 & xhtml1.0.  Same problem on CE site demo page (used default configuration link).  Using FF 1.5.

    Also, once the check box or radio button are in the editor, in FF I can't access the properties by doulble clicking or by right clicking.

    P.S.  Safari & Opera support are nice, but IE & FF are critical.  I think FF support has crossed the line from nice to required.

  •  06-26-2006, 11:06 AM 20476 in reply to 20459

    Re: Firefox and radio buttons & check boxes

    Double-click and right-click are not supported to the radio buttin or check box buttons.
    Please select the the radio buttin or check box buttons first, then click 
     Radio Button insert a radio button at the selected position
     Checkbox Insert a checkbox at the selected position
    to edit their properties.
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  •  06-26-2006, 11:28 AM 20480 in reply to 20476

    Re: Firefox and radio buttons & check boxes

    I got it to work in FF by doing what you said.  The steps are:
    1.  click ce toolbar button to add checkbox, which adds the checkbox but does not open the dialog.  At this point cursor is in front of checkbox.
    2. single click on the newly added checkbox in the editor body to give it focus
    3. re-click on the checkbox button on the ce toolbar - this finally opens the properties dialog box.

    The other controls, like textbox, are simpler:
    1. click ce toolbar button which automatically adds the texetbox AND opens the properties dialog box.

    In IE, clicking the checkbox button on the ce toolbar adds the checkbox AND opens the dialog.  Can we get the properties dialog to automatically open for checkboxes and radio button in FF in the next release?  I think users expect all of the buttons that add controls to behave similarly.


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