When will the Audio/Video conference module be available approximately - is it going to be p2p or pass through central server?

Last post 10-17-2006, 10:45 PM by zyb5586. 3 replies.
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  •  06-06-2006, 5:33 AM 19830

    When will the Audio/Video conference module be available approximately - is it going to be p2p or pass through central server?

    Dear Adam,

    Question i would like to pose is whether you have an estimate of the web messenger update for Audio/Video conferencing support?
    Is it going to pass through central sever or will it be p2p?
    If you have any technical specs for the update I would be interested in having a look.


  •  06-10-2006, 11:53 AM 19992 in reply to 19830

    Re: When will the Audio/Video conference module be available approximately - is it going to be p2p or pass through central server?

    I think we will implement such function in future .
    If we start to make it , the most possible way is exchange the client's information via asp.net , and then start the audio/video session in client's computer , using socket + ActiveX or Flash .
    The server will help the clients to collect network information and connect only .
    Regards , Terry .
  •  07-03-2006, 4:51 AM 20659 in reply to 19992

    Re: When will the Audio/Video conference module be available approximately - is it going to be p2p or pass through central server?

    Any progress or change of status on that project Terry?


  •  10-17-2006, 10:45 PM 23659 in reply to 19992

    Re: When will the Audio/Video conference module be available approximately - is it going to be p2p or pass through central server?


    Any news on the status / progress of that function of P2P AV discussed?


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