WebSite VS Web Application Proyect

Last post 02-06-2007, 8:53 AM by aferrando. 4 replies.
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  •  01-29-2007, 9:47 AM 26224

    WebSite VS Web Application Proyect

    Hi Adam.
    The example of LiveSupport v3.1 is working under the WAP (Web Application Proyect) Template, that comes with the Visual Studio 2005 SP1.
    Without this WAP you can´t have "Web Proyects" on Visual Studio 2005, only "Web Sites"
    Now my question, I have my site as "Web Site" and it can´t find the ConnectionString
    Can WAP be the problem??  Do I have to change Global.asax in a special way ?   How can I code the global.asax without WAP ?
    Thanks a lot.
    AUS Antonino Ferrando
  •  01-30-2007, 9:21 AM 26266 in reply to 26224

    Re: WebSite VS Web Application Proyect

    >>Now my question, I have my site as "Web Site" and it can´t find the ConnectionString
    What do you mean it can't find the ConnectionString? Chat
    Web Messenger: wysiwyg editor:
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  •  01-30-2007, 10:23 AM 26271 in reply to 26266

    Re: WebSite VS Web Application Proyect

    The methods display the following message:
    Missing appSetting:CuteChat.SqlClient.ConnectionString
  •  02-01-2007, 1:07 AM 26326 in reply to 26271

    Re: WebSite VS Web Application Proyect

    This is an example of my web.config file. It is held remotely on a server and not from my computer at home. Also my sql server is remotely held and not run from home. I have high-lighted the line of code most likely giving you trouble in yellow.
    My question to you is, where is your server held and where is your sql database held? If it is held at home then this line of code I have high-lighted will not work but if it is held remotely, then just change the values to your needs after each equal sign.
    I hope this gives you a general understanding of what needs to be done. If you need more help I can be reached at [email protected] good luck
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <add key="ConnectionString" value=";database=Sample;uid=Sample;pwd=Sample"/>
      <add key="OnlineTimeout" value="300"/>
      <compilation defaultLanguage="c#" debug="true"/>
      <customErrors mode="Off"/>
      <authentication mode="Forms">
       <forms name=".UserManagementASPXAUTH" loginUrl="~/Login.aspx"/>
       <allow users="*"/>
      <trace enabled="true"></trace>
      <sessionState mode="InProc" timeout="20"/>
      <globalization requestEncoding="utf-8" responseEncoding="utf-8"/>
      <xhtmlConformance mode="Legacy"/></system.web>

  •  02-06-2007, 8:53 AM 26445 in reply to 26326

    Re: WebSite VS Web Application Proyect

    I had that line.  The problem was another but I fixed it.
    My site is on VB.NET, not C#.  Now I have passed my global.asax from C# to VB and it works.
    I didnt even need to use Web Application Proyect Template.
    Who ever need help on that....I am avaible to help.
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