I got some questions again.
1. When I copying something from editor and past back it pastes text to next line, how would I fix it?
2. If just press one later button on my keyboard and hold it would not go on the next line where it suppose to it would keep going without limit till who knows where. Can I do something about it?
3. How to limit # of character user might enter so if it’s higher # then I specified user would not be able to type any more? MaxHTMLLength is not doing it.
4. I need to have output of number of characters as user type it or delete it. You suggested: Editor1.Attributes.Add("onKeyPress", "DescriptionCharCount();")
function DescriptionCharCount() {
var editorinst =document.getElementById('<%=Editor1.ClientID%>');
var charhold = editorinst.getHTML();
document.form1.textbox1.value = charhold.length;
But all this gives me some incorrect numbers. And I can’t wait till your next update where you saying it going to be build in. What should I do to make it work?