First , you must login as the site-administrator , and send the '/admin' to open the administration window .
In the administration window , you could set the 'policy' of the user . (For example , you could set the user as 'Disallow Access')
The policy could store in the database , for the registered-user only .
So for the anonymous user , that 'policy' would reset while the conversation reseted .
So , click the 'Users' in the right-top corner of the administration window , you could set registered-users to be the administrator of that room .
You could allow/deny anonymous users in the room's setting and the web.config .
The room 'Active' is not used for the version CuteChat1.1 , but you could set the room as not 'Public' .
When a room is not public , users must be accept before they enter the room (except the Administrators)
Regards , Terry .