Hi Adam,
I'm getting closer....
I've now translated SQLFileStorage to VB with the
translator. I got around 10 errors but fixed them (hope the fixes are all correct). I've created the SQL-Table with your script. When I start the application I could click on the PDF-Icon to upload a file. When I selected a file I got an error "Access is Denied to C:\Windows\Temp".
After granting Full Access for "Everyone" on C:\Windows\Temp I could upload files.
- I need to give access for Account "Everyone" to C:\Windows\Temp. Where is this directory defined? Additionally using just the asp.net Machine account in the Windows Security list does not help, it needs to be "Everyone". In my application I have impersonation = True, but shouldn't I then access the directory with my account? I of course do already have full access to C:\Windows\Temp on my local machine (currently I'm working with local IIS).
- Image Preview in the Selection Window does not work anymore. The right window is always empty.

- When I try to embed an image I only get the red cross (like no icon available). After saving the document the 'noting'-icon also disappears.

- When I select an uploaded file to be attached to the editor (using the PDF-icon) the file path is displayed. This seems to be correct, but when I click on the link after saving the link just disappears.....? Sounds strange, but that's true. Tested several times. Then I close the document and re-open it. When I then click on the link again my application crashes with "Microsoft JScript runtime error: Permission denied". When I then stop my application and start it again it's the same behavior (1st click: link disappears, 2nd click: Application crashes)

Here is the file I used (replaced the connection string with the default)
Additionally this is in my Page Load Event (Editor Control is called "Description")
With Description
.Setting("CuteEditorFileStorageType") = GetType(SqlFileStorage).AssemblyQualifiedName
.Setting("DownFile") = ResolveUrl("DownFile.Aspx")
End With
Many thanks in advance for your support Adam!!
.net Framework 4.0 / ASP.net / VB / CuteEditor 6.7 / SQL 2005