editing not enabled after javascript - setHTML

Last post 09-04-2007, 10:44 AM by gotts. 3 replies.
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  •  09-04-2007, 12:47 AM 33202

    editing not enabled after javascript - setHTML

    Using the latest version on ASP.NET 2.0
    1) I am loading an editor control and thereafter calling setHTML each time a user clicks a specifc link, which loads new content into the editor. Often the first time it will work but thereafter the content is loaded into the editor but its not editable!! Its almost like its in preview mode (but its not), ie I can highlight and select the text in the editor but I cannot type anything or do anything. To resolve it I have to click on HTML mode and then back to Normal mode and now I can edit as normal? - please help with this!

    2) the mouseover on all the editor buttons causes the image to disappear and then reappear a few seconds later after moving the mouse away? Its not a browser issue because the images on this site work fine in my browser.


    Please let me know what I am doing wrong.

  •  09-04-2007, 9:26 AM 33206 in reply to 33202

    Re: editing not enabled after javascript - setHTML

    Can you reproduce the above issue in the following example?
    If no, please download the latest build and try again.

    If yes, please show me the steps to reproduce it.


    asp.net Chat http://cutesoft.net/ASP.NET+Chat/default.aspx
    Web Messenger: http://cutesoft.net/Web-Messenger/default.aspx
    asp.net wysiwyg editor: http://cutesoft.net/ASP.NET+WYSIWYG+Editor/default.aspx
    asp wysiwyg html editor: http://cutesoft.net/ASP
    asp.net Image Gallery: http://cutesoft.net/ASP.NET+Image+Gallery/default.aspx
    Live Support: http://cutesoft.net/live-support/default.aspx

  •  09-04-2007, 9:54 AM 33208 in reply to 33206

    Re: editing not enabled after javascript - setHTML

    I will try but not sure if I can. Will get back to u on that

    What about the toolbar image problem? any ideas?

  •  09-04-2007, 10:44 AM 33211 in reply to 33206

    Re: editing not enabled after javascript - setHTML

    In terms of the toolbar images disappearing - the problem even happens when I run the demo project provided with the download? so it has nothing to do with any code because I am changing nothing? what could be causing this?

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