>>TableDropDown should be table
>>Form should be InsertForm
>>Links should be LinkTree
>>PasteAsHTML is missing
The above issues will be fixed as soon as possible.
>>dropdown.Items.Add("<span style='font-size:18pt'>5 </span>(18pt)", "5 (18pt)", "5")
The HTML in the above line is rendered only as text and not HTML so the span tag should not be here.
This is used when rendering rich item.
![dynamically populate the dropdown menu](http://cutesoft.net/example/sampleimage/populate-the-dropdown-menu.gif) |
How to dynamically populate the dropdown menu?( C# | VB )
This example demonstrates how to programmatically populate the Cute Editor dropdown menu.
>>Zoom dropdowns do not appear in Firefox
Zoom feature is not supported in Firefox.
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