v4 Chat - Firefox & HTML

Last post 11-08-2007, 1:15 PM by selliott. 1 replies.
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  •  11-08-2007, 2:54 AM 34897

    v4 Chat - Firefox & HTML

    When HTML is enabled in Chat Config/Admin, URL links aren't becoming active in Firefox.  It is working in IE7.
    **Also**, in IE7, links aren't popping up in a _blank window.  This will become a problem since every time a user clicks a posted link, they'll leave the chat room.  In v3, links always used _blank.
  •  11-08-2007, 1:15 PM 34915 in reply to 34897

    Re: v4 Chat - Firefox & HTML

    They found the IE link problem, so I assume it'll be corrected in the download file shortly.
    I'm guessing this is where the problem was:

    <head runat="server" id="aspnetHead">

    <base target="_blank" />


    Add <base target="_blank" /> above the title tags in Channel.aspx if you want to try a fix before it's ready in the download.
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