Cute Live Support Styles

Last post 11-28-2007, 10:34 AM by Adam. 3 replies.
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  •  11-27-2007, 1:26 AM 35401

    Cute Live Support Styles

    In the ChatAdmin administration console the first section under the Configuration heading (Customize UI) has a setting by which you can specify a style.
    Exactly what is this supposed to do? I have set the "Customize Skins" value to each of the four values in the example string (Normal,Royale,MacWhite,Indigo). None of these had any effect on the client chat windows.
    Am I misunderstanding the meaning of this feature?
    Ideally I would have liked to be able to add a standard .net theme to the application and specify that in the page directives or even in the administration console.
    I want to be able to specify the default images to use so that administrators don't have to specify an image. Rather, the company logo would display.
    If I'm not mistaken, themes would make this possible. I see though that the web app has been developed in Visual Studio 2003.
    ----- The following are just some comments I would like your feedback on -----
    Related to the VS2003 thing. When I try to open the web app in VS2005 I am prompted to convert the app from VS2003 to VS2005. This is a bit of a bother since I'm afraid of breaking something if I went ahead with the conversion. Subsequently customizing the UI becomes a bit of a chore as I can't make proper use of the dev envrironment.
    My compay will soon be switching to Visual Studio 2008 which would mean that by then your application's dev environment version will be 2 versions behind.
  •  11-27-2007, 1:34 PM 35432 in reply to 35401

    Re: Cute Live Support Styles

    >>I have set the "Customize Skins" value to each of the four values in the example string (Normal,Royale,MacWhite,Indigo). None of these had any effect on the client chat windows.
    These options are designed for cute chat. If you want to change the UI of cute live support, please modify the following file:
    >>Related to the VS2003 thing. When I try to open the web app in VS2005 I am prompted to convert the app from VS2003 to VS2005.
    You don't need to convert it to vs 2005. This application has been tested in 1.1, 2.0.
    We have to support 1.1 right now. In the future major release, Cute Live support will not support 1.1.
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  •  11-28-2007, 8:16 AM 35471 in reply to 35432

    Re: Cute Live Support Styles

    So do I understand you correctly in that the Administartor Console is built to administer your entire  range of products and therefore might display configurable options that do not apply to the CuteSoft component that I am using on my website?
    Anyway. I have styled SupportClient.aspx as well as SupportCustomer.aspx and SupportFeedback.aspx to fit in with our client's corporate identity.
    So long and thanks for all the fish ;)
  •  11-28-2007, 10:34 AM 35488 in reply to 35471

    Re: Cute Live Support Styles

    >>Administartor Console is built to administer your entire  range of products
    This admin console is for cute live support, cute chat and web messenger.
    Cute Chat and web messenger do support multiple theme.
    Cute Live support only have one theme. All the UI code is in the above files. So the developers can modify it easily.
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