Post Times

Last post 01-24-2008, 11:37 AM by roteague. 2 replies.
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  •  01-07-2008, 10:27 PM 36197

    Post Times

    Nice product, I like what I see, and I'm planning on ordering the product later in the week.
    I've got one thing that I see with the Chat room, and I wonder if it is an installation or configuration setting. First, I set the chat room to display the time when messages are posted next to the user name. However, only the time is displayed, and the time always starts when I enter the chat room, even if the messages are from the previous day. None of the custom icons that users may have chosen is preserved either (which isn't a big problem). The time issue is a bit disconcerting.
    Where should I be looking?
    Thanks in advance,
    Robert M. Teague
  •  01-10-2008, 10:24 AM 36240 in reply to 36197

    Re: Post Times

    HI Robert :
    That is a bug for showing the client time instead of server time.
    We would fix that problem soon.
    Regards , Terry.
  •  01-24-2008, 11:37 AM 36535 in reply to 36240

    Re: Post Times

    Thanks Terry. Do you have a timeframe for this fix?
    BTW, I just purchased a domain license. I'm very impressed with your product.
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