hyperlinks get truncated

Last post 02-21-2008, 10:36 AM by Adam. 1 replies.
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  •  02-20-2008, 5:49 PM 37206

    hyperlinks get truncated

    I am using Cutesoft to send out a e-mails. Whenever I add a hyperlink it gets truncated in the e-mail.  During the addition I go through the hyperlink dialogue box and then check it in the code too to see whether it has htt://www......included. I check in the preview too to see whether it is working.  It is all fine till then and then in the e-mail it comes out all truncated. Example: <a href-"http://www.cnn.com/2008/politics"> will come as " /2008/politics".  So basically the link cannot be accessed.
    Please advise as to what is going wrong where.
  •  02-21-2008, 10:36 AM 37234 in reply to 37206

    Re: hyperlinks get truncated

    Please set the Editor.URLType Property to Absolute.

    Editor.URLType Property

    Specify whether the URL should be converted to a site root relative path (/html/images/image1.gif) or an absolute path (http://www.mysite.com/images/image1.gif).

    URLType Enumeration

    Specify whether the URL should be converted to a site root relative path (/html/images/image1.gif) or an absolute path (http://www.mysite.com/images/image1.gif).

    Member Name Description
    Default The URL is not converted.
    SiteRelative The URL is converted into a site root relative path. A site root relative path describes the location of the destination file by describing the route the browser must take from the Web site's root folder (top level in the folder structure). For example, a site root-relative path to an image may appear as: /html/images/image1.gif
    Absolute The URL is converted into an absolute path. An absolute path describes the physical location of a file on a machine or the exact location of a file on the Internet. An absolute path on your hard drive might appear as: An absolute path might appear as: http://www.mysite.com/images/image1.gif



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