Live Support Operator Client serious bug

Last post 06-18-2008, 8:33 AM by speech. 3 replies.
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  •  05-20-2008, 9:34 AM 40561

    Live Support Operator Client serious bug

    In my previous post I have already wrote this, but got ignored...
    The operator client -if running- prevents Windows VISTA SP1 to shut-down.
    If I try to shut down whitouth closing the operator client, the screen gets black and a message similar to this one (sorry I have to translate in English) "operator name" is preventing Windows to shut down, please close the "operator name" appear at the center of the screen. I can force to shut down but I normally cancel, close the operator client and shut down Windows without problems.
    Two days ago I was in hurry so I have just clicked on "hut down anyway" button ignoring the message. The day after at the boot I had an automatic check of the file system (first time it happen), after a while Vista completed the booth but I found many files screwed up and a couple of programs reporting "not valid win 32 application".
    I had to install Windows and all the programs again, luckily I have the documents redirection on our SBS server so I didn't lost any documents or email.
    Another problem (also this one got ignored in my previous post): wake up from stand-by the operator client gets disconnected and the only way to reconnect is to close and start again.
    I'm satisfied by LiveSupport, it works pretty good and worth the money, BUT such a buggy operator client really makes me nervous...
    I hope you will fix ASAP!
  •  05-22-2008, 11:00 AM 40670 in reply to 40561

    Re: Live Support Operator Client serious bug

    this problem has been reported by me and phat_bastard one month ago, to me you have not responded in both messages, to phat_bastard you said that the problem is confirmed and that you will solve soon... twenty days ago...
    Well, almost one month is not "soon"...
    Today I after several crashes I found out that the operator clients "freezes" Vista SP1 from time to time without any apparently reason, so I cannot run it anymore.
    Let me understand, are you going to fix the bugs in the operator client now, or should uninstall the software and use something else?
  •  05-29-2008, 8:48 PM 40916 in reply to 40561

    Re: Live Support Operator Client serious bug

    Thanks for reporting that.
    The LiveSupport app now do not handle the windows shutdown event.
    We will support that soon.
    But the app also do not changes any system files and would not hurt the windows.
    It's only a software that process the data of the server.
    Regards , Terry.
  •  06-18-2008, 8:33 AM 41516 in reply to 40916

    Re: Live Support Operator Client serious bug

    Thanks Terry to answer my support request after 8 days, this is really "quick" considering that I've paid for this software.
    I have never seen in my life a Windows application that do not support Windows shut down event, never.
    "We will support that soon"
    If soon follows the same timing you need to respond to support question, I beleave you will need about 1 year to fix this "bug".
    YES, it is a bug not a feature that you will "support soon"...
    Sorry if I look so rude, but every single day I have to check that operators have shut down Windows, because often they forget to close the operator client before closing Windows.
    This is REALLY annoying...
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