I have an ASPX 3.5 project with AJAX partial page postback enabled (<updatepanel>). I hvae from 6 to 8 CuteEditor instances on my pages, some as text boxes with a form and others as text boxes with a gridview.
The editor works fine communicating with the database -- data is retrieved, displayed, edited and stored correctly. However, when I do the partial postback, I get a javascript error message for EACH EDITOR ON THE PAGE:
A Runtime error has occurred. Do you wish to debug? Line 0: Object Doesn't support this property or Method.
(I'm using IE and have script debugging turned on.)
If I choose to debug, my browser and Visual Studio hang -- have to manually shut both down.
I can click through the error messages (choose NO on do you wish to debug) and -- again -- everything works. But the pages are almost unusable at this point because of all the flickering and messages.
Here's code for my editor:
<ce:Editor ID="explanationText" runat="server"
Text='<%# Bind("explanationText") %>'
ActiveTab="Edit" AutoConfigure="Minimal" ContextMenuMode="Minimal"
ShowDecreaseButton="False" ShowEnlargeButton="False"
URLType="Default" Width="100%"
ShowPreviewMode="False" UsePhysicalFormattingTags="true" height="20px"
CssClass="entry_grid" ResizeMode="AutoAdjust" AllowPasteHtml="False"
BreakElement="P" ShowGroupMenuImage="False" ResizeStep="20" EditorOnPaste="PastePureText">
<FrameStyle BackColor="White" BorderColor="#669966" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="2px" />
(All editor instances have the same code, just different data bindings.)
Thanks for your help!