Where is the content saved to the page?

Last post 03-14-2005, 11:40 AM by Anonymous. 4 replies.
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  •  03-06-2005, 2:19 AM 4410

    Where is the content saved to the page?

    The demos (ASP version) work fine, but HELP SOMEBODY PLEASE (including CuteSoft) !!!
    How is the new page content saved?  In a real application the editor result need to be saved back to the original page, otherwise what are we doing this for?  Unless there is a method for this, the product is useless!
    Please respond!!!!

  •  03-07-2005, 5:13 AM 4421 in reply to 4410

    Re: Where is the content saved to the page?

    Charles - When submitting your form, you need to perform the following for the editor content to be captured:
    function submitForm() {
      document.forms[0].submit() ;
    ....then on the ASP page that receives the form, you can retrieve the posted content with the following:

    Note: I named my CuteEditor: Editor1

    Hope this helps. Cheers, Kris.
  •  03-09-2005, 5:31 AM 4486 in reply to 4421

    Re: Where is the content saved to the page?

    Thanks Kris,
    I haven't tried it yet, but I will today. It's a shame CuteSoft can't be bothered to answer important support queries such as this (and I'm not the only one). It's also a disgrace that this isn't documented in the 'help pages' - yeah, right!  I only know that if I delivered systems as unfinished as this, and with non-existant support, I would have to start taking in washing for a job..
    Many thanks for your time once again,
  •  03-14-2005, 4:45 AM 4574 in reply to 4421

    Re: Where is the content saved to the page?


    Regards your last reply, I'm talking about actually SAVING the edited content back to the existing page, not just capturing it. In every editor I've ever used, there is the ability to Save the changes back to the original document - this is what I (and many others on this Forum) want to do, but I can't !!!!!!!


  •  03-14-2005, 11:40 AM 4595 in reply to 4574

    Re: Where is the content saved to the page?

    Charles - If you submit your form back to the same page and include the Save command in the javascript I posted earlier, then you can retrieve the edited content with:

    strNotes = Request.Form("Editor1_HTMLContent")  '---I'm using strNotes as my variable, but you can rename it

    ....then in the cute editor code, update the following line to:

    editor.Text = strNotes

    Hope this gets the job done. Cheers, Kris.
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