Error on text file upload

Last post 02-16-2009, 8:49 AM by cutechat. 3 replies.
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  •  02-13-2009, 6:30 PM 48778

    Error on text file upload

    Hi all,
    When uploading text files, we are getting an error from the uploader. The error is "Guid Error!" and is being reported by HandleAddOnUpload. When we upload, say, Word files, it works, but the text files are giving us this error. We are using our own upload provider per the sample provided. It hits Init and GetFileInfo, but never makes it down to AppendData. Any help is appreciated.
  •  02-13-2009, 7:20 PM 48780 in reply to 48778

    Re: Error on text file upload

    the 'Guid Error' means the file guid is conflict.
    We has a bug on that of the version one day ago. and we have uploaded a new version last night.
    I am not sure it can fix your issue.
    So please download and test it again.
    You can debug on this steps:
    1. check the value of the file guid each time, if it has the same value ??
    2. do you return true even that file is not exists?
    3. check the HTTP header , whether there is CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader.Silverlight or
    CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader.Partial header.
    4. how about use the default uploader provider ?
  •  02-15-2009, 9:56 AM 48808 in reply to 48780

    Re: Error on text file upload

    Thanks for responding.
    1. The value is the same each time
    2. Yes, it is not clear what the point is. Our DB uses an upsert, so from the DB it doesn't matter. Otherwise it requires and extra round trip to the DB. There is no documentation for the purpose of the GetInfo method.
    3. It is not partial
    4. I would love to. But your chunking sample to the DB uses a custom provider and since there is no documentation at all on how it is supposed to work, it is not clear how we would use the default provider, nor is it clear why the custom provider works.
  •  02-16-2009, 8:49 AM 48835 in reply to 48808

    Re: Error on text file upload

    It's very strange that the guid values are same of each time.
    Because not many customers require writing the custom provider, So we haven't prepaired the documents on this part yet.
    When you want to write the customer provider , You can check our example code : 
    When you work on the GetInfo method , the return value means the file is exists , or not.
    So if the file is not found by the guid parameter , it must return false.
    Please return false and try again.
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