I have changed the control name to Editor1, and here is the code behind:
'Using Statements @1-E5FBC350
Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Specialized
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.SessionState
Imports System.Web.UI
Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls
Imports System.Web.UI.HtmlControls
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Imports System.Globalization
Imports NewProject1
Imports NewProject1.Data
Imports NewProject1.Security
Imports NewProject1.Configuration
Imports NewProject1.Controls
![Yes [Y]](/emoticons/emotion-21.gif)
'End Using Statements
'Forms Definition @1-A03C6C47
Public Class [yPage]
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
'End Forms Definition
'Forms Objects @1-EBD5F1A0
Protected editor1Data As editor1DataProvider
Protected editor1Error As System.Web.UI.WebControls.PlaceHolder
Protected editor1Holder As System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlControl
Protected editor1ErrorLabel As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label
Protected editor1Errors As NameValueCollection = New NameValueCollection()
Protected editor1Operations As FormSupportedOperations
Protected editor1Name As System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox
Protected editor1Editor1 As System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox
Dim Protected editor1Button_Insert As HtmlInputButton
Dim Protected editor1Button_Update As HtmlInputButton
Dim Protected editor1Button_Delete As HtmlInputButton
'End Forms Objects
'Page_Load Event @1-A2D2CF1E
Protected Overrides Sub OnLoad(ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
'End Page_Load Event
'Page_Load Event BeforeIsPostBack @1-49DCD044
If Not IsPostBack Then
Dim PageData As PageDataProvider = New PageDataProvider()
Dim item As PageItem = PageItem.CreateFromHttpRequest()
End If
'End Page_Load Event BeforeIsPostBack
'Page_Load Event tail @1-E31F8E2A
End Sub
'End Page_Load Event tail
'Page_Unload Event @1-D998A98F
Protected Overrides Sub OnUnload(ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
'End Page_Unload Event
'Page_Unload Event tail @1-E31F8E2A
End Sub
'End Page_Unload Event tail
'Record Form editor1 Parameters @2-FC249DD2
Protected Sub editor1Parameters()
editor1Data.UrlDesignetID = IntegerParameter.GetParam(Request.QueryString("DesignetID"))
Catch e As Exception
editor1Errors.Add("Parameters","Form Parameters: " + e.Message)
End Try
End Sub
'End Record Form editor1 Parameters
'Record Form editor1 Show method @2-E40B16BD
Protected Sub editor1Show()
If editor1Operations.None Then
editor1Holder.Visible = False
End If
Dim item As editor1Item = editor1Item.CreateFromHttpRequest()
Dim IsInsertMode As Boolean = Not editor1Operations.AllowRead
If editor1Errors.Count > 0 Then
End If
'End Record Form editor1 Show method
'Record Form editor1 BeforeShow tail @2-AA7B3AEB
editor1Data.FillItem(item, IsInsertMode)
editor1Button_Insert.Visible=IsInsertMode AndAlso editor1Operations.AllowInsert
editor1Button_Update.Visible=Not(IsInsertMode) AndAlso editor1Operations.AllowUpdate
editor1Button_Delete.Visible=Not(IsInsertMode) AndAlso editor1Operations.AllowDelete
'End Record Form editor1 BeforeShow tail
'Record Form editor1 Show method tail @2-887627E0
If editor1Errors.Count > 0 Then
End If
End Sub
'End Record Form editor1 Show method tail
'Record Form editor1 LoadItemFromRequest method @2-4E87066F
Protected Sub editor1LoadItemFromRequest(item As editor1Item, ByVal EnableValidation As Boolean)
If EnableValidation Then
End If
End Sub
'End Record Form editor1 LoadItemFromRequest method
'Record Form editor1 GetRedirectUrl method @2-91CCBCDA
Protected Function Geteditor1RedirectUrl(ByVal redirect As String, ByVal removeList As String) As String
Dim parameters As New LinkParameterCollection()
If redirect = "" Then redirect = "y.aspx"
Return redirect + "?" + parameters.ToString("GET",removeList,ViewState)
End Function
'End Record Form editor1 GetRedirectUrl method
'Record Form editor1 ShowErrors method @2-F6F912B6
Protected Sub editor1ShowErrors()
Dim DefaultMessage As String = ""
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To editor1Errors.Count - 1
Select Case editor1Errors.AllKeys(i)
Case Else
DefaultMessage = DefaultMessage & editor1Errors(i) & "<br>"
End Select
Next i
editor1Error.Visible = True
editor1ErrorLabel.Text = DefaultMessage
End Sub
'End Record Form editor1 ShowErrors method
'Record Form editor1 Insert Operation @2-198BBB74
Protected Sub editor1_Insert(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim item As editor1Item = New editor1Item()
Dim ExecuteFlag As Boolean = True
Dim ErrorFlag As Boolean = False
Dim RedirectUrl As String = ""
Dim EnableValidation As Boolean = False
'End Record Form editor1 Insert Operation
'Button Button_Insert OnClick. @3-B08F0301
If CType(sender,Control).ID = "editor1Button_Insert" Then
RedirectUrl = Geteditor1RedirectUrl("", "")
EnableValidation = True
'End Button Button_Insert OnClick.
'Button Button_Insert OnClick tail. @3-477CF3C9
End If
'End Button Button_Insert OnClick tail.
'Record Form editor1 BeforeInsert tail @2-1E69A02A
editor1LoadItemFromRequest(item, EnableValidation)
If editor1Operations.AllowInsert Then
ErrorFlag=(editor1Errors.Count > 0)
If ExecuteFlag And (Not ErrorFlag) Then
Catch ex As Exception
ErrorFlag = True
End Try
End If
'End Record Form editor1 BeforeInsert tail
'Record Form editor1 AfterInsert tail @2-7269FD99
End If
If ErrorFlag Then
End If
End Sub
'End Record Form editor1 AfterInsert tail
'Record Form editor1 Update Operation @2-CD608DE1
Protected Sub editor1_Update(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim item As editor1Item = New editor1Item()
item.IsNew = False
Dim ExecuteFlag As Boolean = True
Dim ErrorFlag As Boolean = False
Dim RedirectUrl As String = ""
Dim EnableValidation As Boolean = False
'End Record Form editor1 Update Operation
'Button Button_Update OnClick. @4-7DB23FCA
If CType(sender,Control).ID = "editor1Button_Update" Then
RedirectUrl = Geteditor1RedirectUrl("", "")
EnableValidation = True
'End Button Button_Update OnClick.
'Button Button_Update OnClick tail. @4-477CF3C9
End If
'End Button Button_Update OnClick tail.
'Record Form editor1 Before Update tail @2-3D5C7F61
editor1LoadItemFromRequest(item, EnableValidation)
If editor1Operations.AllowUpdate Then
ErrorFlag = (editor1Errors.Count > 0)
If ExecuteFlag And (Not ErrorFlag) Then
Catch ex As Exception
ErrorFlag = True
End Try
End If
'End Record Form editor1 Before Update tail
'Record Form editor1 Update Operation tail @2-7269FD99
End If
If ErrorFlag Then
End If
End Sub
'End Record Form editor1 Update Operation tail
'Record Form editor1 Delete Operation @2-A7DD2D20
Protected Sub editor1_Delete(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim ExecuteFlag As Boolean = True
Dim ErrorFlag As Boolean = False
Dim RedirectUrl As String = ""
Dim EnableValidation As Boolean = False
Dim item As editor1Item = New editor1Item()
item.IsNew = False
item.IsDeleted = True
'End Record Form editor1 Delete Operation
'Button Button_Delete OnClick. @5-0A395CF6
If CType(sender,Control).ID = "editor1Button_Delete" Then
RedirectUrl = Geteditor1RedirectUrl("", "")
EnableValidation = False
'End Button Button_Delete OnClick.
'Button Button_Delete OnClick tail. @5-477CF3C9
End If
'End Button Button_Delete OnClick tail.
'Record Form BeforeDelete tail @2-2D3C6FAC
editor1LoadItemFromRequest(item, EnableValidation)
If editor1Operations.AllowDelete Then
ErrorFlag = (editor1Errors.Count > 0)
If ExecuteFlag And (Not ErrorFlag) Then
Catch ex As Exception
ErrorFlag = True
End Try
End If
'End Record Form BeforeDelete tail
'Record Form AfterDelete tail @2-7269FD99
End If
If ErrorFlag Then
End If
End Sub
'End Record Form AfterDelete tail
'Record Form editor1 Cancel Operation @2-B630D1BA
Protected Sub editor1_Cancel(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim item As editor1Item = New editor1Item()
Dim RedirectUrl As String = ""
editor1LoadItemFromRequest(item, True)
'End Record Form editor1 Cancel Operation
'Record Form editor1 Cancel Operation tail @2-EA2B0FFB
End Sub
'End Record Form editor1 Cancel Operation tail
'OnInit Event @1-3349F5FF
#Region " Web Form Designer Generated Code "
Protected Overrides Sub OnInit(ByVal e As EventArgs)
' CODEGEN: This call is required by the ASP.NET Web Form Designer.
'Me.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.Page_Load);
'Me.Unload += new System.EventHandler(this.Page_Unload);
editor1Data = New editor1DataProvider()
editor1Operations = New FormSupportedOperations(False, True, True, True, True)
'End OnInit Event
'OnInit Event tail @1-E31F8E2A
End Sub
'End OnInit Event tail
'InitializeComponent Event @1-EA5E2628
' <summary>
' Required method for Designer support - do not modify
' the contents of this method with the code editor.
' </summary>
Private Sub InitializeComponent()
End Sub
#End Region
'End InitializeComponent Event
'Page class tail @1-DD082417
End Class
End Namespace
'End Page class tail