can't browse nested folders in document browser

Last post 06-16-2010, 11:10 AM by Adam. 5 replies.
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  •  04-12-2009, 8:44 PM 51009

    can't browse nested folders in document browser

    I'm having a problem where I'm unable to go into nested (child) folders in the document browser; when I click on one, it appears to load but no files show in the listing and there are files there because I put some into the folder via regular FTP as a test.  Even more odd is that I can upload files to a nested folder; I get a confirmation that the upload succeeds, I verify it's on the server, but then I cannot see the file to add it as a link in the HTML editor.
    Anyone have any ideas as to what might cause this problem?
  •  04-13-2009, 2:42 PM 51045 in reply to 51009

    Re: can't browse nested folders in document browser

    Can you check the DocumentFilters setting of the security policy file?
    The security policy file (default.config, admin.config and guest.config) can be found in the /CuteEditor/Configuration/Security
    folder. In security policy file you can find the DocumentFilters element element . By default, it contains the following value:
    1. <security name="DocumentFilters">  
    3.        <item>.pdf</item>  
    4.        <item>.zip</item>  
    5.        <item>.rar</item>  
    7. </security>  
    You can modify it to meet your own requirements. Chat
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  •  04-13-2009, 6:18 PM 51055 in reply to 51045

    Re: can't browse nested folders in document browser

    Hi Adam,
    Yes, I've checked the security policy settings.  At the moment, it's set to:
    <security name="DocumentFilters">
    Do I have to change it somehow to allow for browsing child folders?
  •  04-19-2009, 8:33 PM 51237 in reply to 51055

    Re: can't browse nested folders in document browser

    For anybody who might be curious and/or following this, I was never able to resolve this issue.  It apparently stems from the fact that I had the editor in a separate physical location on the server from where the file upload directory was located (see this other post where I outlined the specifics).  As I noted in the earlier post, I was able to get the file uploads working, but then I ran into this problem where I couldn't browse through nested directories in the file browser.
    I gave up trying to use the editor to upload files or images and used FCKeditor instead which will work across differing physical locations on the server without this same problem.
  •  06-14-2010, 9:56 PM 61740 in reply to 51237

    Re: can't browse nested folders in document browser

    Well, here it is one year later, and I revisited this because of a project on which I'm working.  I was finally able to resolve this issue.  It was a simple thing too (but took a few hours to discover) - the AbsoluteImageGalleryPath and AbsoluteFilesGalleryPath properties had to have a trailing slash (/) at the end of them.  For instance:
    1. $editor->AbsoluteImageGalleryPath="/var/www/html/articles/records/image/"// MUST HAVE TRAILING SLASH!!!!  
    2. $editor->ImageGalleryPath="";  
    3. $editor->AbsoluteFilesGalleryPath="/var/www/html/articles/records/file/"// MUST HAVE TRAILING SLASH!!!!  
    4. $editor->FilesGalleryPath="/articles/records/file";  
    Note that my set up has CuteEditor running on a separate web site (and therefore separate physical directory on the server) from the location of the files/images to be managed in the editor, hence the need for the full URL in the ImageGalleryPath variable.  
    I found that I didn't need the full URL in the FilesGalleryPath variable because it worked ok without it, so I left it out; you get cleaner HTML code generated this way because it uses relative links.  
    I had to have the full URL for the image gallery though because you can't preview the images in the editor without it and it won't read the image's properties (width, height, etc.) when inserting them which isn't good.  However, when inserting an image from the gallery, you can take the "" part out of the URL before you do the actual insert into your HTML.  You lose the ability to see the image previewed in your code after the insert, but it retains all of the image's properties at that point (width, height, etc) since the editor has already read the image. 
    Setting the editor up seems pretty easy if it and all of your files are running on just one web site.  Tricky though if you have a configuration like I did. 
    I hope that info is able to help some other users out there. 
  •  06-16-2010, 11:10 AM 61813 in reply to 61740

    Re: can't browse nested folders in document browser

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