Assign Styles to the 'InsertImage' Popup page?

Last post 03-08-2004, 4:44 PM by Adam. 1 replies.
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  •  03-07-2004, 3:43 PM 525

    Assign Styles to the 'InsertImage' Popup page?

    Is it possible to assign styles to the popup's such as the  InsertImage or InsertFlash pages?


    I would like to create the same look/feel to match the rest of my webApp. At least a background color and/or title?


    Also, in upcoming release, could you possibly allow more properties on the Horizontal Ruler, such as:  



    I sure wish there was a way to make a Vertical bar as well (without the user having to know Html) - that would totally rock!!


    Danke Schön
  •  03-08-2004, 4:44 PM 532 in reply to 525

    Re: Assign Styles to the 'InsertImage' Popup page?



    Is it possible to assign styles to the popup's such as the  InsertImage or InsertFlash pages?


    I would like to create the same look/feel to match the rest of my webApp. At least a background color and/or title?


    You can open the popup pages and edit the page background color to match your webApp.


    In the next release,  I will add a new property to allow the developers customize the popup's background color.


    Also, in upcoming release, could you possibly allow more properties on the Horizontal Ruler, such as:  



    It makes good sense as well.  We need to create a new popup page to allow users config more properties on the Horizontal Ruler. I hope that will happen in the next release.


     I sure wish there was a way to make a Vertical bar as well (without the user having to know Html)


    I doubt this can be achieved.


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