Insert Button doesn't function like a button.

Last post 08-31-2009, 9:46 PM by cutechat. 1 replies.
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  •  08-31-2009, 1:35 PM 55210

    Insert Button doesn't function like a button.

    I'm trying to avoid confusion of our customers on the upload button and I cannot get the InsertButton to appear as a button.
    No Hand Icon is displayed and you can't create a rollover.
    input.button {
    cursor: pointer;
    cursor: hand;
    background-color: transparent;

    don't work for some reason.
    Normally this will create a roll over button:
    onmouseout="BLOCKED SCRIPTthis.src='/images/Common/btn-upload.jpg';" onmouseover="BLOCKED SCRIPTthis.src='/images/Common/btn-upload_r.jpg';"
    But it doesn't work either.
    please help!
  •  08-31-2009, 9:46 PM 55218 in reply to 55210

    Re: Insert Button doesn't function like a button.

    When AjaxUploader choose Flash10 or Silverlight3 to improve uploading performance/experience ,
    There will be a transparent layer over the button (required by Flash10/Silverlight3)
    you can do this way to attach the event for the layer :
    function CuteWebUI_AjaxUploader_OnMantleButton(btn,layer)
    the btn object is which you set its id to InsertButtonID
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