Eval javascipt loaded for every button, slowing down page load.

Last post 09-02-2009, 11:08 AM by Kyrus. 2 replies.
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  •  09-01-2009, 1:35 PM 55259

    Eval javascipt loaded for every button, slowing down page load.

    I noticed, especially when debugging, that javascipt eval statements are loading for each button (not sure if its for each button, or something else). This is causing the cute editor to take upwards of 4-5 seconds to load. When deployed the delay is only about half that. But the delay while loading is noticable. Is there a way to optimize the editor's loading, or is there something I might be doing wrong?
  •  09-02-2009, 8:46 AM 55294 in reply to 55259

    Re: Eval javascipt loaded for every button, slowing down page load.

    What browser did you test ?
    The CuteEditor should not take 4-5 seconds caused by the eval function.
  •  09-02-2009, 11:08 AM 55301 in reply to 55294

    Re: Eval javascipt loaded for every button, slowing down page load.

    IE, Firefox, Chrome...
    Sorry its not Eval(), its anonymous()... 
    heres what I see run my site and load a cute editor (theres ALOT more of this anonymouse code running)
    function anonymous() {
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