How does the licensing work?

Last post 02-12-2010, 1:20 PM by XugoStudios. 5 replies.
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  •  02-10-2010, 6:04 PM 58652

    How does the licensing work?

    I've read the licensing several times but I'm not sure I understand how it's supposed to work. I co-own Xugo Studios, LLC. and we're working on a website for a client and we're on their hosting account and we would like to implement the PHP html editor on it for the admin panel on their site to use to edit the content of the pages.
    What licensing category does that fall under? 
  •  02-11-2010, 7:11 AM 58662 in reply to 58652

    Re: How does the licensing work?

    Dear XugoStudios,
     If you install our application in one domain(sub-domain) and single server, domain license cover it. if you install it in multiple domain,single server, single ip, and ip is static ip, ip license cover it. if your total domain(sub-domain) quantity is less or equal to 10, you can buy small business license. More detail, please refer to
  •  02-11-2010, 10:31 AM 58664 in reply to 58652

    Re: How does the licensing work?

    Licensing FAQ

    Hi Xugo,
    A Domain license allows the control to run on 1 domain/subdomain name, ie or http://intranet or

    A Small Business License allows 10 such names

    An IP license enables all the domains/subdomains hosted on this IP@ to use the control.

    All license options are good for http://localhost. I'd highly recommend Small Business License as it's the most popular choice among our customers. Out of the 10 names, you can use one or two for the internal dev server ie. http://intranet while keep the rest for your production servers.

    Thanks for asking Chat
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  •  02-11-2010, 9:38 PM 58677 in reply to 58652

    Re: How does the licensing work?

    Oh I see. Now what does that free download mean? Is that just for personal use or a demo? Or does that need to be uploaded and then the license purchased to make use of it? 
    I apologize for being so confused about how those two things come into play. 
  •  02-12-2010, 9:02 AM 58681 in reply to 58677

    Re: How does the licensing work?

    Dear XugoStudios ,
    We supply free download and trial of all our products, in download packge, it contains temporary license, the temporary license is valid until 30 days. When you purchase one permanent license, you only need copy it to license folder and override this temporary license file, the permanent license is always valid and never expired.
  •  02-12-2010, 1:20 PM 58684 in reply to 58681

    Re: How does the licensing work?

    Ah I see, very nice system then! 
    I'm going to talk to the client today and see what they think. 
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