Hi Eric,
I believe that I figured out the solution today with Karen's help.
The answer is what Adam suggested: I needed to have purchased a different type of license in the first place.
In that it may be helpful for other customers, my confusion was about your licensing price tiers.
I thought I bought an IP-oriented license. I hadn't.
I think your documentation is vague. Perhaps you will consider revising it to add more clarity for future customers.
I had been under the impression that if I submitted an IP address for your $99 domain license, that all the domain variations that my users typically use would be supported (so long as they all resolved to the same IP server address).
To clarify, I had three domain variations, all of which resolve to the same IP, that I was interested in supporting:
All three of these resolve to the same server, and the same IP address.
In fact, what I now understand from Karen is that for this to work, I should have bought your $199 IP license.
While literally working, your $99 IP address license is a more than a little bit confusing, as it turns out to only work if users are accessing that IP by a URL that literally uses the IP , for example rather than a domain name that resolves to that IP such as http://supertopo.com. Since users don't typically access my site by IP (or any site by IP), I think this license option is very confusing.
It might be better for your customers is you made it more clear that IP address licenses are simply $199, and eliminate the [useless] $99 IP license (and associated confusion about domain names that resolve to the IP address). I suspect that anyone who wants an IP related license wants the terms you offer for $199, not the fools-gold of your $99 option. I for one, would have been much happier to have paid $199 from the get-go and avoided the whole confusion and time-suck I have fallen into related to your $99 IP license.
My hypothesis is that there is almost no one out there who would find your $99 domain license by IP to be useful in practice, and a significant number of customers who, like me, will buy that $99 option by mistake. And, like me, they will only figure it out after a frustrating debugging process realize that they should have purchased the $199 license in the first place.
I think you can consider this issue resolved for me, but I hope you modify your license descriptions to enhance clarity for the benefit of future customers.
P.S. One other piece of feedback. I find your price of $199 a bit steep for my use. While I am buying, I am not happy. I think it is a bit unfair, and somewhat gouging your customers, to ask them to pay 2x for a set of domains that actually resolve to the exact same IP and the serve the exact same client user-base. I've paid it because I have already spent a lot of time getting the code to work. However, I am doing so noting my complaint. I'm frankly disinclined to buy more from Cutesoft due to a feeling that your pricing model in this case is unfair and unreasonable, and I presume it is probably similarly structured in other cases. You may not like this kind of feedback, but I would hope you take it under consideration when you re-evaluate your pricing in the future. I would guess I'm not the only one to feel this way.