editor inserts tons of embedded quotes, messes up links...

Last post 05-10-2010, 9:19 AM by Eric. 1 replies.
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  •  05-10-2010, 8:18 AM 60857

    editor inserts tons of embedded quotes, messes up links...

    I bought cute for php a couple years back and got it working in a CMS called OnPoint. I thought all is well until the client let me know that something was amiss.
    I looked at the html of an article, and there were thousands of embedded quotes- I probably can't write it here without it being interpreted, so I'll try this: *quot; (replace the * with &).
    And the hrefs in the urls got all screwed up, including the href of the main site prepended to the intended href, plus a bunch of embedded quotes.
    I copied the raw html to a local text editor, killed the embedded quotes, fixed the urls, pasted it back in (to the html view), and it seemed to work...until I opened the article again in the editor and closed it.
    Ths version is 2 years old- maybe I can get an upgrade (if I can locate some sort of proof of purchase). Any ideas?
    Lynn Kasdorf
  •  05-10-2010, 9:19 AM 60860 in reply to 60857

    Re: editor inserts tons of embedded quotes, messes up links...

    The latest version is v6.6, download link is http://cutesoft.net/downloads/folders/cute-editor-php/entry54374.aspx , you can download latest version and check whether you can reproduce this issue in latest version.  The online demo link is http://phphtmledit.com/EnableAll.php, you can also test it there.
    We can locate your order by your buyer email. Please send buyer email to [email protected].


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