Adding text doesn't insert p tag unless you hit return

Last post 07-29-2010, 6:48 AM by IanPhillips. 3 replies.
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  •  07-28-2010, 5:13 AM 62773

    Adding text doesn't insert p tag unless you hit return

    I have added the editor to a blgo panel and want people to write comments.
    Problem i have found is that if some simply types a line and then clicks insert no p tag is added to the inserted code, unless whilst typing they actually pressed the return key.
    Is is poss to get it to auto add p tags even if they don't hit return???

    Ian Phillips
    Development and Project Management
  •  07-28-2010, 10:31 AM 62779 in reply to 62773

    Re: Adding text doesn't insert p tag unless you hit return

    Please follow steps:
    2. Clear editor area
    3. Input "this is a test"
    4. Click button "Insert Paragraph",its icon is
    Switch to "HTML", you will find tag <p> is inserted.
  •  07-29-2010, 6:13 AM 62795 in reply to 62779

    Re: Adding text doesn't insert p tag unless you hit return

    Sorry, you misunderstand my problem, Itihnk.
    I don't want them to have to press any button to add a p tag etc.
    If you goto you will see a blog system that we are currently building into our cms using your editor.
    Notice the comments that are not in white but black text.  These ones have no p tag around them.
    One solution i have found is having some text already in the editor box as it loads ie """editor.Text = "enter your comment here"""""    wHAT THIS DOES IS AUTOMATICALLY PUT P TAGS INTO THE PAGE AND ALL WORKS WELL
    Without this predefined text in place when the form loads, just entering text doesnt add p or div tags.

    Ian Phillips
    Development and Project Management
  •  07-29-2010, 6:48 AM 62796 in reply to 62795

    Re: Adding text doesn't insert p tag unless you hit return

    Done another test.
    Again using our page you will see the comments form at the bottom of the page.
    Now if you simply overtype the text we have in the box by default it it all works fine, but if they highlight the text and then press delete and then enter content the p tags disappear resulting in incorrectly formatted content.
    How can we make it so the p tags never disappear...
    This is a big user issue for us

    Ian Phillips
    Development and Project Management
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