Cute Editor possessed by devil :)

Last post 09-23-2010, 1:30 PM by Eric. 7 replies.
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  •  05-25-2010, 10:43 PM 61306

    Cute Editor possessed by devil :)

    I can't even really explain this one so I had to record a video. 
    I have no idea what is going on and it only seems to happen in Firefox with me but I'm hoping you've seen something similar and have an easy fix. If it's not an easy fix, then I imagine it would be extremely difficult and not worth the time. Basically, all of the drop down lists in my editor start repeating themselves all the way down the screen and the 'Visible Borders' and one other icon keep flashing. 
    * Note : I am not touching the computer at all while this is going on.  

  •  05-26-2010, 8:51 AM 61330 in reply to 61306

    Re: Cute Editor possessed by devil :)

    If you remove the css files of this page, will it work?
    If so, can you post the code of your css files? Chat
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  •  05-26-2010, 11:19 AM 61340 in reply to 61330

    Re: Cute Editor possessed by devil :)

    I tried removing all CSS and the same strange behavior occurred.
    When I was in FireFox, I used FireBug to verify that there were no CSS files referenced and I noticed that there were about 20 references to the CuteEditor's ToggleBorder.css
    It seemed to be 1 for each time the ToggleBorder button flashed and one of the mystery rows appeared.  
     It's like the editor keeps trying to load ToggleBorder over and over
  •  09-22-2010, 6:14 AM 64135 in reply to 61340

    Re: Cute Editor possessed by devil :)

    I have the same problem and don't know how to solve it.
    What did you do to solve this?
    I appreciate any help....thanks..... 
  •  09-22-2010, 8:48 AM 64138 in reply to 64135

    Re: Cute Editor possessed by devil :)

    Dear littlemisssunshine,
    Please check whether you installed skype plugin. If you installed it, please disable this plugin and try it again. Another solution, you can upgrade cuteeditor to latest version. This is a known issue, it has been resolved.
    Thank you for asking
  •  09-22-2010, 9:23 AM 64140 in reply to 64138

    Re: Cute Editor possessed by devil :)

    Dear Eric,
    thank you very much. It works now!
  •  09-23-2010, 12:48 PM 64163 in reply to 64140

    Re: Cute Editor possessed by devil :)

    Dear Eric,
    here I am again..:)
    I found an information that Firefox is currently using 45% of population.
    As I understand the only way to make editor work is to remove skype plugin....(I downloaded the newest version of editor from 09-13-2010).
    But lot of people uses skype and the plugin is installed automatically. It's not appropriate to notice all user that they have to remove that plugin.
    I found this editor very, very useful, but we need it to work on firefox. So, before we pay for editor I really want to be sure that it works on main browsers (Firefox, Explorer, Chrome).
    Is there other way to make it works on firefox, except moving plugin for skype on each user PC?
    Thank you in advance! 
  •  09-23-2010, 1:30 PM 64165 in reply to 64163

    Re: Cute Editor possessed by devil :)

    Dear littlemisssunshine,
    I downloadeded the latest version of  CuteEditor for .NET just now, and tested it in firefox&skype enviornment, it works fine. I cannot reproduce this issue.
    Firefox version:3.6.10
    Skype extension for firefox:
    Are you sure you have a complete installation of latest version? Can you send your CuteEditor access url to [email protected], I will check it on my end.
    Thank you for asking
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