Difference between render and getstring?

Last post 12-16-2010, 2:20 PM by jerry2. 2 replies.
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  •  12-16-2010, 7:24 AM 65382

    Difference between render and getstring?

    I am really wondering what is the difference between this two... I can use one or the other and see no difference, the manual is... well... not very ilustative on the subject.

    Thank you


  •  12-16-2010, 11:57 AM 65387 in reply to 65382

    Re: Difference between render and getstring?

    Dear jerry,
    If you open "\aspuploader\include_aspuploader.asp", you can find the following code:
     Public Function Render()
     End Function
    Public Function GetString()
      GetString = Impl.GetString()
     End Function
    Render() and GetString() , it has same functionality, only usage is different. 
    <%=uploader.GetString() %>
    Thank you for asking
  •  12-16-2010, 2:20 PM 65389 in reply to 65387

    Re: Difference between render and getstring?

    So it doesn't really matter which I use, the getString with response.write or render without it?
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