Spell check with a different language

Last post 02-04-2011, 1:04 PM by Adam. 3 replies.
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  •  01-31-2011, 3:06 AM 65957

    Spell check with a different language

    I have the editor's culture set to English, but I want NetSpell to spellcheck in Dutch (or other languages). The default setup passes the culture from the editor to SpellCheck.aspx.
    What I wanna know is, is there a way to override this behaviour? Calling SpellCheck.aspx manually (and passing in the preferred culture) results in a bug (?): HTML & scripts are checked as well. In fact the only way I could get the spell checking to work is to NOT handle 'netspell' in CuteEditor_OnCommand().
    Your help's very much appreciated!

  •  01-31-2011, 9:30 AM 65961 in reply to 65957

    Re: Spell check with a different language

    Dear jonathanexact,
    You can set the CustomCulture to "nl-NL"
    <CE:Editor id="Editor1"  CustomCulture="nl-NL" ThemeType="Office2007" runat="server" AutoConfigure="Simple" ></CE:Editor><br />
    If you don't want to change the CustomCulture in CuteEditor and only want to modify the spell check language, you can modify file "\CuteSoft_Client\CuteEditor\SpellCheck.aspx" directly. Change the following line:
    culture = Request.Params["Culture"];
    culture = "nl-NL";
    HTML & scripts are checked as well.  This issue, we will provide solution in future version.
    Thank you for asking
    [email protected]
  •  01-31-2011, 1:05 PM 65967 in reply to 65961

    Re: Spell check with a different language

    It would also be a good idea to allow the end user to select the desired culture. For example, one day he could be writing content in Spanish and the next day he could writing in French. Furthermore, it's possible the user could be writing one paragraph in on language and the next paragraph in another language. It would be great to allow the user to highlight a paragraph and check spelling in Spanish, and then select the next paragraph and check spelling in French.
    Here is an example from CKEditor where the end-user can select language, upload a new dictionary, etc. It would be great if CuteEditor had similar functionality:
  •  02-04-2011, 1:04 PM 66067 in reply to 65967

    Re: Spell check with a different language

    Thanks for the nice suggestions. We will implement this feature in the next major version.

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