Image gallery path not changing

Last post 02-21-2011, 5:53 AM by pasklaar. 4 replies.
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  •  02-17-2011, 8:47 AM 66279

    Image gallery path not changing

    Hi there,
    I have a weird problem with the ImageGalleryPath setting when using CuteEditor as an Image Uploader. I try to change the filepath programmatically like this:
    editorImages.Setting["security:ImageGalleryPath"] = "~/UserImages/newsitems/";
    But when I do this the editor still navigates to /uploads.
    I have changed all settings in the security config files like this:
    <security name="ImageGalleryPath">~/UserImages/newsitems</security>
     and still the editor navigates to /uploads.
    Finally, out of desperation, I changed all references to /uploads in all security config files to the new folder and still the editor navigates to /uploads.
    What can be causing this behaviour? I have no problem with changing this path in other pages where I use CuteEditor as a regular wysiwyg editor.
    Oh, and changes to other settings, like MaxImageHeight or MaxImageSize do take effect.
    Thanks for your help!
  •  02-18-2011, 3:41 PM 66297 in reply to 66279

    Re: Image gallery path not changing

    Dear pasklaar,
    Please check whether the path setting code is executed on your project. , I have run this example on my local computer, it works fine. You can find this example's source code in download package, please refer to it.
    Thank you for asking
  •  02-21-2011, 4:37 AM 66325 in reply to 66297

    Re: Image gallery path not changing

    Hi Eric,
    Thanks for your reply. I checked this and all gallerypaths were set correctly to a folder named ~/UserImages/newsitems/. But still, when trying to add an image, the path to the image gallery is set to /Uploads.
    Just to make it completely clear, there is no reference to an /Uploads folder in the three security config files and no reference to it on my page or codebehind file. I'm completely at a loss to explain what's happening.
    best regards,
  •  02-21-2011, 5:51 AM 66326 in reply to 66325

    Re: Image gallery path not changing

    I've found the solution. In another website in which I use CuteEditor I checked the default.config file and found the setting ImageBrowserPath This was not available in the config files in the other website. This is the setting that defines the path for the 'Insert Image' dialog.
    Thanks for your trouble.
  •  02-21-2011, 5:53 AM 66327 in reply to 66325

    Re: Image gallery path not changing

    I've found the solution. In another website in which I use CuteEditor I checked the default.config file and found the setting ImageBrowserPath This was not available in the config files in the other website. This is the setting that defines the path for the 'Insert Image' dialog.
    Thanks for your trouble.
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