Right click in Firefox - menu hidden

Last post 02-22-2011, 1:35 PM by random. 5 replies.
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  •  02-22-2011, 8:08 AM 66351

    Right click in Firefox - menu hidden

    If, for example, I insert a table in the editor window and then right click on the table to get the editor menu, in Firefox that menu is hidden by the Firefox right click menu which always goes on top.
    Is there a way to change that?
  •  02-22-2011, 9:09 AM 66354 in reply to 66351

    Re: Right click in Firefox - menu hidden

    Dear Pascal,
    This is a known issue and has been fixed, please upgrade to latest version and check it again.
    Thank you for asking
  •  02-22-2011, 11:09 AM 66361 in reply to 66354

    Re: Right click in Firefox - menu hidden

    Hi Eric,
    Thank you, but unfortunately the latest version has the same problem. The fix doesn't make a difference.
  •  02-22-2011, 12:39 PM 66364 in reply to 66361

    Re: Right click in Firefox - menu hidden

    Dear random,
    http://phphtmledit.com/EnableAll.php , if you test it here, does it work fine?
    What's the cuteeditor for php access url on your website? You can post its url here or send it to [email protected], we will have a test.
    Thank you for asking
  •  02-22-2011, 1:18 PM 66365 in reply to 66364

    Re: Right click in Firefox - menu hidden

    Hi Eric,
    No, the same problem happens on your demo page (http://phphtmledit.com/EnableAll.php), using Firefox 3.6.13
    Will send you the addess of a test page on my site by email.
  •  02-22-2011, 1:35 PM 66366 in reply to 66365

    Re: Right click in Firefox - menu hidden

    Hi Eric,
     I have found the problem, in my Firefox options => Content => Enable JavaScript, the box for "disable or replace context menus" was unticked. I have now ticked it and it works fine.
    Sorry for taking your time for this.
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