AjaxUploader ongoing problem

Last post 02-25-2011, 9:46 AM by SimonW2. 8 replies.
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  •  01-30-2011, 6:19 PM 65953

    AjaxUploader ongoing problem

    Hi there,
    Adam, would you mind getting back to me on this, as the others I have spoken to previously (Eric/Terry) haven't been able to help at all. I spoke with Eric on IM in mid-November, followed up with a support email ticket that Terry responded to, but I simply had no response to the second email I sent him.
    My client still has the same problem as before, plus they are getting more cases of 301 errors, where large(ish) files seem to be causing the issues (which is exactly why we got this control). One of my client's clients reported a problem on Friday and is now asking them if they can send them files in future using YouSendIt, so this really needs sorting out asap. 
    As per my previous correspondence with you, the issue seems to be similar to the one explained in this forum thread, which had no resolution: http://cutesoft.net/forums/thread/62805.aspx 
    As well as that forum thread (and exactly as per the client's client above who is now suggesting YouSendIt), I have just done a test uploading a 30MB file and it gets to 100% then gives this error: "Flash : The upload task is interrupted! http 301"
    Look forward to your prompt reply.
    Kind Regards,
  •  02-02-2011, 11:43 AM 66012 in reply to 65953

    Re: AjaxUploader ongoing problem

    Hi there,
    Could you please get back to me asap - my client is (quite rightly) chasing me for a solution to this having had a couple more of their clients reporting problems.
    As a separate question, are you prepared to offer refunds for the control on the basis that it has a serious problem, and particularly as you don't even seem interested to answer support queries about it? 
    Kind Regards,
  •  02-02-2011, 1:09 PM 66013 in reply to 66012

    Re: AjaxUploader ongoing problem

    Dear Simon,
    Please save the following snippet to test.aspx and then upload it to your server, please send its url to [email protected], we will test this issue:
    <%@ Page Language="C#" %>
    <%@ Register Namespace="CuteWebUI" Assembly="CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader" TagPrefix="CuteWebUI" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <head runat="server">
        <title>Uploading multiple files like GMail</title>
        <form id="form1" runat="server">  
            <CuteWebUI:UploadAttachments MultipleFilesUpload="true"  InsertText="Upload Multiple files Now" runat="server" ID="Attachments1">          
    Thank you for your business
  •  02-02-2011, 7:19 PM 66027 in reply to 66013

    Re: AjaxUploader ongoing problem

    Thank you Eric.
    I've saved the file, and just changed this line:
    <%@ Page Language="C#" %>
    <%@ Page Language="VB" %> 
    I'm assuming this causes no problems at your end, and it's then actually a closer test to what we are doing at our end.
    I've just tried an upload with a 28.8MB file (the same one I'd tested previously) and after it got to 100%, I received the following message:
    Nameoffile.zip cannot be uploaded!
    File size (28.8 MB) is too large. The maximum file size allowed is set to: 2.20GB.
    I'll send the URL to [email protected] now (subject line "AjaxUploader test URL"), and hopefully you can recreate the same problem and we can start making some progress.
    Kind Regards,
  •  02-04-2011, 3:43 AM 66045 in reply to 66027

    Re: AjaxUploader ongoing problem

    Hi Eric,
    Can you let me know how you are getting on please?
    Have you been able to replicate the problem(/s)? Any thoughts as yet on how to fix it?
    Look forward to hearing from you asap.
    Kind Regards,
  •  02-17-2011, 11:42 AM 66285 in reply to 66045

    Re: AjaxUploader ongoing problem

    Hi Eric,
    I set up the test area and FTP that you emailed to ask me to set up over a week ago, and I've emailed you a couple of times to ask how you are getting on - could you please update me as soon as possible with how you are getting on with testing these issues that you've also replicated through the test page you asked us to put up.
    Quite clearly it's not good that my client, who is a printing firm and requires large files to be received on a daily basis, is having serious problems given the control is not working with even moderately large files (30MB isn't all that big given this control is meant to handle significantly larger...).
    Please let me know as soon as possible as my client really needs an update.
    Many thanks,
  •  02-21-2011, 3:20 AM 66324 in reply to 66285

    Re: AjaxUploader ongoing problem

    I really need some progress with this please Eric...
  •  02-24-2011, 2:54 AM 66416 in reply to 66324

    Re: AjaxUploader ongoing problem

    Hi SimoW2,
    Is your side on a Load balancing environment? If so, please set the "TempDirectory" property  to a public folder what the location will not be changed and try again.
  •  02-25-2011, 9:46 AM 66450 in reply to 66416

    Re: AjaxUploader ongoing problem

    Thanks for the email Ken - but no, there's no load balancing going on, it's just a standard Windows Server 2008 with IIS 7.
    I've just had the following email from my client, so I need this to have your absolute full attention and top priority please:
    As per John's email, I can’t reiterate enough just how important the stability of the upload tool is to us. The amount of calls I am receiving from the branches seems to be going up and a lot of key clients have now lost faith in it and switching back  to FTP uploading to us.

    We’re nearing the stage where we may have to look at commercial file upload products such as mailbigfile.com/yousendit.com because of the on-going problems. 
    Please get back to me as soon as possible.
    Kind Regards,
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