Hi, I'm evaluating your product to find a replacement for the Microsoft FileUpload control. The Microsoft control works ok on the PC but not on the MAC. My code is below:
<add key="CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader.TempDirectory" value="~/Users/UploaderTemp"/>
<add key="CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader.FileUploadLocation" value="~/Users/DMfiles"/>
Protected Sub Uploader1_FileUploaded(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal args As CuteWebUI.UploaderEventArgs) Handles Uploader1.FileUploaded
Session("DMfilename") = args.FileName
Session("DMdest") = clsCX.GetRootPath & "\Users/DMFiles\" & Session("DMfilename")
End Sub
<CuteWebUI:Uploader id="Uploader1" runat="server" ManualStartUpload="false" UploadType="Auto"
FileTypeNotSupportMsg="This file type not supported.">
This code (ignoring the args.delete...) always works to copy small xls files to the tempdir. If I don't use the args.copyto it doesn't write to the destination dir at all. With the args.copyto it sometimes works on the PC with Chrome but not at all on the MAC running Safari. Since this is new to me perhaps I have made a mess of the code and you can help me out. TIA, jim