Thank you for the response. Basic examples like that work just fine it would seem. However, when I enter in html like
<area onmouseover="Tip('<strong>Headquarters</strong><br/>5555 Pleasentville Drive<br/>Carthage, TX 66666<br/><br/><strong>Texas, Carthage</strong><br/>1111 Crimsondale Park Road<br/>Carthage, TX 66666',200,'left');
>" using the Editor.Text property. Then, once I use
var editor1 = document.getElementById('<%= Editor1.ClientID%>');
if (editor1)
{ return editor1.getHTML(); }
to retrieve the text. The text is reformatted as
<area onmouseover=\"Tip('<strong>Headquarters</strong><br/>\r\n5555 Pleasentville Drive<br/>\r\nCarthage, TX 66666<br/>\r\n<br/>\r\n<strong>Texas, Carthage</strong><br/>\r\n1111 Crimsondale Park Road<br/>\r\nCarthage, TX 66666',200,'left');\" body <>
Any help would be greatly appreciated.