Problem Chat Admin

Last post 05-22-2005, 2:10 PM by cutechat. 4 replies.
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  •  05-19-2005, 4:08 AM 6811

    Problem Chat Admin

    I have 2 problems using Chat Admin page :
    1st :
    The link is to access the page is http://SITE/DesktopModules/CuteSoft_Client/CuteChat/Admin/, but when trying this I have an Internet Explorer error saying the page doesn't exists. IIS seems to not find Default.aspx ?

    2nd :
    If I modify the link to point to http://SITE/DesktopModules/CuteSoft_Client/CuteChat/Admin/Default.aspx, I have an error from IIS saying the searched resource or one of dependencies has been deleted or renamed and is temporary unavailable. It asks me to check that the URL /DesktopModules/CuteSoft_Client/CuteChat/Admin/Default.aspx is correct, and it's correct...
    I've tried to launch Default.aspx directly from IIS, and I got the same error.
    For information :
    • I installed the module using your documentation for installing CuteChat and CuteWebMessenger on a DotNetNuke 3.x portal
    • I've put ASPNET in administrators group, SQL is working fine, ASPNET account is used in IIS, Default.aspx is in the default pages list, ASPNET account has Full Control on my DotNetNuke directory, and all sub-directories (including CuteChat).
    • All pictures in DesktopModules/CuteSoft_Client/CuteChat/Admin are working fine and can be displayed without any problem (I see the icons on my web page)
    • I can edit lobbies and launch the chat,  I can launch Messenger and use it

    Please help me, I'm very interested in this application and ready to by a licence, but if it doesn't work.....

  •  05-19-2005, 1:43 PM 6836 in reply to 6811

    Re: Problem Chat Admin

    Did you login as the super account ?
    It's better that you provider a url for me testing .
    Regards , Terry .
  •  05-19-2005, 4:13 PM 6843 in reply to 6836

    Re: Problem Chat Admin

    Yes I logged in as superuseraccount, and as administrator... If I log in with user I don't see the link (that is normal)
    I give you the link by mail to my development website
  •  05-20-2005, 7:43 AM 6852 in reply to 6843

    Re: Problem Chat Admin

    I've resvolved my problem !
    Here's the solution :
    In the file lobbies.ascx in DesktopModules\CuteChatControls\, on the line containing the link to "Chat Admin", the URL is /DesktopModules/CuteSoft_Client/CuteChat/Admin, but the ~ is missing at the beginning. So the URL in the file is /DesktopModules/CuteSoft_Client/CuteChat/Admin and must be changed to ~/DesktopModules/CuteSoft_Client/CuteChat/Admin to work...
  •  05-22-2005, 2:10 PM 6896 in reply to 6852

    Re: Problem Chat Admin

    Cool , It's a small bug . thanks.
    Regards , Terry .
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