I am getting Licencing Error..

Last post 12-15-2011, 6:24 AM by Kenneth. 1 replies.
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  •  12-15-2011, 12:50 AM 72009

    I am getting Licencing Error..

    I am getting this error.. How can i resolve this error.

  •  12-15-2011, 6:24 AM 72015 in reply to 72009

    Re: I am getting Licencing Error..

    Hi ArchanaKintu,
    Got this error means that your trial license is expired.
    If you have purchased the CuteEditor license, please send a mail to [email protected] and provide the buyer's email and the order info. Adam will check it and send your official license to you.
    If you are using the trial, and want to expand it, please download the package below. It contains a new trial license, valid for 30 days.
    The license file name "cuteeditor.lic", under the "bin" folder.
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