Text does not display in google Chrome

Last post 03-07-2012, 11:55 PM by Sunspire. 11 replies.
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  •  11-30-2011, 1:05 AM 71717

    Text does not display in google Chrome

     In google chrome the text in the editor does not appear.  The page stays white.  With other browsers it works correctly.
    You can see it here
    password: pwd
  •  11-30-2011, 6:23 AM 71720 in reply to 71717

    Re: Text does not display in google Chrome

    Hi Sunspire,
    I checked your page. It like that you did not add any text for CuteEditor by default. So not sure what do you mean the text no appear.
    Can you explain it in detail? 
    Please try demo http://www.cutesoft.net/example/general.aspx, does it work for you?
    If the demo works for you, please download the latest version and try again.
    Latest version downloads http://www.cutesoft.net/downloads/folders/21904/download.aspx
  •  11-30-2011, 9:47 PM 71742 in reply to 71720

    Re: Text does not display in google Chrome

    Hi Ken,
    There is no text by default. The problem is that when you click in the text area to input text, nothing is displayed on the screen. 
    Is this explanation clearer?
  •  12-01-2011, 6:21 AM 71746 in reply to 71742

    Re: Text does not display in google Chrome

    Hi Sunspire,
    It works fine for me, I can type any text in the editor textarea on chrome 15.0.874.121 m.
    Can you try on another pc? Do you get the same issue on it? 
  •  12-01-2011, 11:48 PM 71761 in reply to 71746

    Re: Text does not display in google Chrome

    I've tried on other PCs and they have the same problem 
    Here is a screenshot of the page.  You will notice that on the bottom right it displays the amount of words and characters that have been typed, but the text is not displayed.
  •  12-02-2011, 5:57 AM 71764 in reply to 71761

    Re: Text does not display in google Chrome

    Hi Sunspire,
    Please try demo http://www.cutesoft.net/example/general.aspx, does it work for you?
    If the demo works for you, please download the latest version and try again.
    Latest version downloads http://www.cutesoft.net/downloads/folders/21904/download.aspx
  •  03-06-2012, 5:03 AM 73345 in reply to 71764

    Re: Text does not display in google Chrome

    having a similar issue on another site
    Password: 123 
    I'm using the latest version of google chrome. I've installed the latest version of CuteEditor on the site. 
  •  03-06-2012, 6:16 AM 73346 in reply to 73345

    Re: Text does not display in google Chrome

    Hi Sunspire,
    Your page works fine for me. I tested on chrome 17.0.963.56 m
  •  03-06-2012, 8:04 AM 73349 in reply to 73346

    Re: Text does not display in google Chrome

    I tried your page and it didn't work for me  in Chrome (17.0.963.56 ) in the same way as you have described. I got the following error:
    Failed to load resource: http://www.epithimies.gr:8084/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Load.ashx?type=style&file=SyntaxHighlighter.css (using javascript console)
    Make sure that this file: CuteSoft_Client\CuteEditor\Style\SyntaxHighlighter.css is there 
    Good luck 
  •  03-07-2012, 7:23 AM 73362 in reply to 73349

    Re: Text does not display in google Chrome

    Hi slavik,
    Do you mean you got the error below in our online demo page http://www.cutesoft.net/example/general.aspx?
    Failed to load resource: http://www.epithimies.gr:8084/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Load.ashx?type=style&file=SyntaxHighlighter.css (using javascript console)  
  •  03-07-2012, 7:28 AM 73366 in reply to 73362

    Re: Text does not display in google Chrome

    I got it at his site at:
    Your demo is fine.
  •  03-07-2012, 11:55 PM 73373 in reply to 73366

    Re: Text does not display in google Chrome

    Thanks for your replies. The CSS file is present on the server. This may be a configuration issue on the server.
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