non-english file name errors

Last post 03-12-2013, 9:46 PM by sahar. 8 replies.
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  •  03-30-2012, 6:18 PM 73588

    non-english file name errors

    I downloaded a trial version of php file uploader and i got a problem
    when i try to upload a file with a non-english file name the upload fails with error : Unable to find file >filename< in >dirname< 
    Any ideas how to solve that? 
  •  04-02-2012, 3:29 AM 73590 in reply to 73588

    Re: non-english file name errors

    Hi sahar,
    Do you get the same problem on demo page
    What file name you are testing?
  •  04-02-2012, 10:29 AM 73592 in reply to 73590

    Re: non-english file name errors

    Hey Kenneth,
    No i dont have this problem with the demo uploader, however i checked with other uploading scripts and it has the same issue, Seems like my host doesn't allow non-english names...
    an example of file name is this:  
    however, with other uploading scripts i could modify the code so the file name will be changed on upload and the issue got solved, but i cant do it here (i think so?)
    so i was wondering if there is any workaround?
  •  04-03-2012, 10:34 AM 73601 in reply to 73592

    Re: non-english file name errors

    Hi sahar,
    1. Open file "\phpuploader\include_phpuploader.php"
    2. Find section below
    3. Change the encoding to yours 
  •  04-03-2012, 11:34 AM 73602 in reply to 73601

    Re: non-english file name errors

    Thanks that works. :)
  •  03-07-2013, 7:47 PM 77000 in reply to 73602

    Re: non-english file name errors


    I've tried to use phpfileuploader after a while i haven't used it (was upgrading my website for a few months), but i can't get it to work, it seems like i have the same issue like before where i cannot upload files with non-english names.


    I tried to use both old script from my previous website and download a new script from this site but it didnt work out.


    This time im getting a different error message thought, any ideas what it could be?

    added image:




  •  03-07-2013, 9:55 PM 77003 in reply to 77000

    Re: non-english file name errors

    Hi sahar,


    Can you poste your upoader page url? so we can check it for you.


    Also, you can send it to [email protected]





  •  03-08-2013, 10:47 AM 77004 in reply to 77003

    Re: non-english file name errors

    Hi Kenneth,

    Sent you an email, Just a small note, I also get SLM error sometimes.


    Thanks for your assistance,


  •  03-12-2013, 9:46 PM 77034 in reply to 77004

    Re: non-english file name errors

    Well I've found the problem and solution,

    Seems like files in containing non-english were posted in reversed order, so instead of abc.jpg, i got


    So the file failed to pass my security checks all the time, I've got that solved now, thanks for the help thought :)

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