upload directly to external server?

Last post 04-05-2012, 10:31 AM by sahar. 4 replies.
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  •  04-04-2012, 6:13 AM 73608

    upload directly to external server?

    Hello there,
    I was wondering if there is any feature in the phpfileuploader that allows me to post directly to an external server
    Because i use my website and this script together with facebook graph api to upload albums to facebook fan page, But at the moment it seems like the script first uploads the image to my server (to temp folder) and then start to upload it to facebook, so its like it uploads every image twice, it takes a very long time when each album has 5-10 (or more..) images in average.
  •  04-04-2012, 1:34 PM 73613 in reply to 73608

    Re: upload directly to external server?

    Hi sahar,
    You can try create a  virtual directory under your site, and point this virtual directory to the external server. Then save the upload file into this virtual directory. Ensure that your site has the write/read permission of this folder.
  •  04-04-2012, 2:18 PM 73618 in reply to 73613

    Re: upload directly to external server?

    Hmm i think there is a small misunderstanding ? :) 
    When i said external server i meant facebook.com, in other words a server that i do not own,
    Facebook got API which allows web owners to upload photos to fb albums through website.
    I want to use phpfileuploader so it'll upload files directly from input to fb through that API instead of having it to upload to my server then again upload to fb, which takes double the time to do...
  •  04-05-2012, 8:06 AM 73629 in reply to 73618

    Re: upload directly to external server?

    Hi sahar,
    I see, but for now does not support this, sorry for your inconvenience.
  •  04-05-2012, 10:31 AM 73633 in reply to 73629

    Re: upload directly to external server?

    Is there any chance to see such feature in the future ? :)
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