Formatting issues

Last post 12-13-2012, 8:41 PM by Adam. 5 replies.
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  •  12-06-2012, 2:23 PM 75407

    Formatting issues

    Couple of formatting issues. If I create text in Outlook using Word as the text Editor, when I paste it into the text box and I have said 'yes, I do want my Word text cleaned' .... bullets are appearing with no indent. If you look at the html they are as you would expect - just a pure unordered list.

    But if I put some bullets in here, in this textbox on this page ...

    • one
    • two
    • three

    they appear indented.

    Which I don't understand. The source here shows an unordered list. If I clean a Word document that has bullets - it turns them into an unordered list (i.e. identical html) but they are not indented. Is there some default css at work on this page that does not get 'called' after you clean Word generated text.

    Also, if I make one word in a sentence bold in a Word document and paste into the CuteEditor, clean the Word formatting - the space between the bold word and the next word disappears. Which is a bit of a drag as my clients use lots of bold formatting

  •  12-07-2012, 4:30 AM 75411 in reply to 75407

    Re: Formatting issues

    27 views and no comments ... are the formatting issues I mentioned 'features'?
  •  12-07-2012, 8:21 AM 75415 in reply to 75407

    Re: Formatting issues

    Hi FirstSignInNoGood,


    I can not reproduce these issues on demo


    Does the online demo works for you? Can you show me the full steps to reproduce these issues on the demo? So we can check it.


    What browser/version you are testing?





  •  12-07-2012, 8:50 AM 75419 in reply to 75415

    Re: Formatting issues

    I can reproduce the issues on the demo.


    I am creating an email in Outlook 2010 - using Word as the editor - and I typed up a simple message with a bit of formatting. I copied it from Outlook and pasted it into the box on the demo page. An alert box appeared 'do you want this text from Word cleaned?' - I clicked okay and the text was pasted.  But the bullets are lined up against the left of the text box and the space between the word 'formatting' and the word 'and' has been removed.


    Here is what I pasted:


    Dear sir or madam

    Invitation to join the party

    We are holding a party soon and we would like you to attend.

    Let’s put in some bullets here:

    · Bullet 1

    · Bullet 2

    · Bullet 3

    We’ll do a bit of formattingand paste into a Cute Textbox.


    Edit: IE 9 browser

  •  12-13-2012, 12:02 PM 75457 in reply to 75419

    Re: Formatting issues

    No further comment? Can you not reproduce the issue?
  •  12-13-2012, 8:41 PM 75458 in reply to 75457

    Re: Formatting issues

    No further comment? Can you not reproduce the issue?


    Can you send the word document to [email protected]? We will test it and get back to you soon. Chat
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