Re: The area you are attempting to access is forbidden.

  •  11-30-2004, 10:55 PM

    Re: The area you are attempting to access is forbidden.

    Well, it's not exactly an application we're launching this from.  It's just a set of scripts that launch the editor to put text and things into.  If you'd like to see our backend please feel free to PM me and I'll share the links with you.  There really is nothing to control except the directories themselves, and we have that portion locked down in FTP.
    I did remove that line and will see how it goes for now.  However I can't go up a level once I go into a subdirectory.  Not a big deal.
    And finally, I am assuming all these wonderful buttons up top of this editor are all from the .net version and not the ASP editor?  I would LOVE to put that fit to window and spell checker into our editor.
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